Sunday, November 23, 2008

"Shark Week," Eat Your Heart Out

A groundbreaking discovery in the South Pacific has given the term "black gold" a completely new meaning.

A research crew investigating whale shark feeding patterns near Christmas Island has managed to film the shark (the world's largest fish) expelling food waste. The thrilling bowel movement footage will be featured in the upcoming BBC Natural World program "Whale Shark."

While biologist Dr. Mark Meekan stated the potential scientific importance of the find, he also managed to keep it in perspective.

"It does seem rather weird, someone being so excited about seeing whale shark poo. And I'm pretty certain that this is the first time it has been filmed."

We're pretty certain that Dr. Meekan is right on both counts.

To hear some of the world's foremost aquatic researchers discussing their find with all the technical specificity an eight-year-old boy can appreciate, check out the video that accompanies the story. But first, a warning: the video is NSFL (not safe for lunchtime).

-- Phil Guidry


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